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WHAT IS AGRICULTURE IN THE CLASSROOM? Agriculture is an important part of life. Clothing, food, fuel, housing, medicine and more are rooted in agriculture. Agricultural issues can support the teaching of many academic disciplines. Recognizing this, educators across the country and Alabama are effectively integrating agriculture into the classroom curriculum. WHAT IS AN OUTSTANDING TEACHER AWARD? The outstanding teacher award will be given to an educator currently engaged in classroom instruction at the pre-Kindergarten through 12 grade levels in the state of Alabama. This award will recognize educators for their creative efforts in teaching students about the importance of agriculture. The teacher selected will receive a $500 cash award and receive a trip to the National AITC conference. The teacher will also be responsible for submitting an application for the national award program “Excellence in Teaching about Agriculture.” An award of $250 will be given to the runner up. Both teachers need to be available to attend the AITC Summer Institute, where they will be honored. They must also be available to make a presentation at the Summer Institute. WHO IS ELIGIBLE? Full-time Alabama teachers currently engaged in integrating agricultural concepts into non-agriscience education classroom settings at the pre-K to 12th grade levels. The individual must also have attended the annual Alabama Ag in the Classroom Summer Institute. The individual must be a full time classroom teacher for the next two years. NOTE:  Any classroom material submitted becomes property of Alabama Ag in the Classroom. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Please fill out the following form and mail it to the address below by March 1

Kim Earwood
Alabama Ag in the Classroom
PO Box 11000
Montgomery, AL 36191

Application Deadline: March 1




  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: doc, docx, txt, pdf, Max. file size: 300 MB.
    • The narrative portion is limited to two pages for each item. Each response must typed using 12 point font and double spaced. Margins must be at least 1 inch and the entire narrative response should be no more than six pages.
      a) Describe the unique and innovative approaches to advancing agricultural literacy in the classroom.
      b) Identify the teaching methods employed (i.e.; experimental, case study, etc.). Specify agricultural concepts taught and which academic areas of study were utilized. What was the depth and duration of the activity? Explain how these learning experiences helped advance State education standards?
      c) Explain how these activities helped students better understand the impact Alabama's agriculture has had on personal lives, our state heritage, the environment, the state's security, and the economy.
      Drop files here or
      Accepted file types: doc, docx, txt, pdf, Max. file size: 300 MB.
      • a. Endorsement by an Administrator: A letter (signed and dated by a school administrator) that substantiates the degree to which the nominee excels in and is dedicated to the teaching profession.
        Drop files here or
        Accepted file types: doc, docx, txt, pdf, Max. file size: 300 MB.
        • b) Endorsement by a Co-worker: A letter (signed and dated by a school administrator) that substantiates the degree to which the nominee excels in and is dedicated to the teaching profession.
          Drop files here or
          Accepted file types: doc, docx, txt, pdf, Max. file size: 300 MB.
          • a) Any additional information deemed essential for the application, such as additional letters of support, additional awards/recognition, etc., may be included in an Appendix. The Appendix should not be used to explain the two page limitation of the narrative sections.
            Drop files here or
            Accepted file types: doc, docx, txt, pdf, Max. file size: 300 MB.
            • b) Color photographs or other graphics that demonstrates nominee's agriculture in the classroom activities.
              Drop files here or
              Accepted file types: doc, docx, txt, pdf, Max. file size: 300 MB.
              • Clear Signature

                All applications will be evaluated by a panel of judges familiar with agriculture, education and Alabama Agriculture in the Classroom. Evaluation Criteria:
                1. Creativity and Use of Agricultural Information: How agricultural concepts have been introduced into the classroom curriculum, making reference to creative methods used to advance student learning.25 points
                2. Interdisciplinary Approach: How agricultural concepts have been included in a variety of subjects and disciplines. Value will be placed on the approach that teaches about agriculture across the curriculum.25 points
                3. Advancement of Educational Standards: How the teacher aligns agricultural learning activities with State established education standards. 25 points
                4. Student Impact: Evidence of teacher's impact on students' attitudes and overall learning of agriculture. 25 points

                APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS (items to be sent to Alabama AITC*)

                • Completed application outline
                • Description of the project being submitted
                • Answers to the three narrative questions
                • A signed and dated letter of endorsement from the administrator and a co-worker
                • Any supplemental information to be included in an Appendix
              • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.